Sunday, September 4, 2011

Moving forward

It's been 3 weeks now since the attempted Sugarland concert and I've got some great news to report- Andrea, the woman we took care of, has left the hospital. She is now in a rehab facility and has a long road ahead of her, but the fact that she is doing as well as she is is a miracle. The neurosurgeons told her family that she had a matter of a few minutes between her living and dying when she arrived. To God be the glory! I have met with her family on multiple occasions and can truly say that they are incredible people. You can read more about them and follow Andrea's progress here. I know that we will stay in touch with them and we are looking forward to the day when we can really meet Andrea.

Kerwyn and I are both in much better places now than we were a couple of weeks ago. To say I was shaken up by the whole experience would be an understatement. All the trauma surgery training in the world can't prepare someone to be in the midst of all of that chaos and tragedy and to not be affected. I would be more concerned if I wasn't so affected by the incredible loss of life and health that the collapse inflicted. There are images and video reels that are seared in my mind and that I'm sure I'll never forget. I met with a counselor through IU Health to talk it out once which was moderately helpful. After my residency director got word of my involvement I had a mandated couple of days off which really helped me to get some space to rest a little and reflect and pray.

All in all, we're moving on and talking about things related to that night far less. I'm sleeping like a rock (thanks mostly to being on night shift for the month) and while my concern for Andrea and the others hasn't lessened, I am choosing to internalize it less because it's just not healthy. I feel immensely blessed to be equipped to be of some help in these situations. It has definitely further solidified my love for medicine. Tyler, Andrea's brother, posted about us on her blog and said, "We're never more like Jesus than when we're rescuing others." I love that and will definitely take that thought with me as I continue my training.