Saturday, March 28, 2009

My heart

Just a quick update for those of you who are aware that I've had some "issues" with my heart and who know that there have been some recent problems as a result. Basically I've had an occasional abnormal heart rhythm and exceptionally fast rate that is usually associated with exercise but occasionally it happens randomly.

I had what I thought was an exhaustive workup at the beginning of medical school, but this year I was denied disability insurance because there hasn't been a diagnosis attached to my symptoms. Now I know some people aren't supporters of insurance, but I am (especially given my tendency to injure myself and enjoyment for more high-risk activities) and will save that dialogue for another day. I have had some recent concerning symptoms and went to see a cardiac electrophysiologist here in Indy for what I thought would be simply the beginning of annual EKGs and routine follow-up.

He is a leader in the field, covered with my insurance plan and so I thought the man I picked was a great selection. During my first appointment he went crazy on the fact that I need a diagnosis and came up with these over-the-top tests we could do. He threw out words like pheochromocytoma, electrophysiology lab, implantable cardiac monitor... all of which seemed a little aggressive.

Needless to say I was taken aback and resistant to this. We reached a compromise and so far I have had another echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) and all sorts of external monitoring. I just got a new device yesterday that will monitor my heart at all times externally and I am off my heart medication to try and unmask the "events".

We'll see what happens, but I think we've decided that if this comes back ok we will be done and he will give me the diagnosis "benign inappropriate sinus tachycardia" and hopefully I can get disability insurance and rest assured once again that my heart is ok.


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about all of the testing. No fun at all! I know my little guy at 3 does not like any of those tests! Praying you will be able to get a diagnoses quickly!
Jenny Johnson

Anonymous said...

My goodness! That must be stressful. I know that you will be OK. I just know it. :)

Heather said...

angie...just saw an article on usatoday that talked about cardiac events and triathlons...they happen twice as often as in careful...