Monday, January 7, 2008

Tough quote

“I am sometimes struck by thoughts of the hundreds of lepers Jesus did not heal, the thousands of people who died of ridiculous little infections during his lifetime, the blind or lame beggars who missed his passing by a few hundred yards or a few minutes. He healed so few! And I, who can heal no one, am reminded that being his presence does not mean fixing everything. Being among people means being in their midst, not outside. It means being with them, not being over them. It means not looking away from their agony or humiliation, but beholding it, and having the courage to be also wounded by their pain.” -Greg Paul


Judy Gregory said...

Angie, that is a great quote ... am I stupid, who is Greg Paul?

Angie said...

He wrote "God in the Alley"- a good, but short book very similary to "An Irresistible Revoltion" by Shane Claiborne. I didn't know who he was prior to this book either.