Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I seriously love to vote. Every time I enter the polling area I am thoughtful of the research I've done and why I am voting for the candidates I chose. It is a serious moment of reflection on the democratic process where I think, "I'm proud to be an American". However, as I am filling out my ballot and turning it in I get this urge to start screaming and shouting and trash-talking for my candidate. I think it is too many years of competitive sports as a child or something but today it was all I could do to calmly walk by those still campaigning for the other candidate without letting out a big cheer for those I'm supporting. I'm going to a results party tonight where maybe I can get some of my political energy out.

I came home and watched last night's SNL Presidential Bash online in honor of the day. Political humor might be my new favorite kind. There is nothing like watching the real McCain pretending to sell knives on QVC to get a good laugh. Here are my 2 favorite SNL skits from the many of the past few months:

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