Sunday, April 24, 2011

Nail Polish

I'm going to go a little girly on you here for a minute. Every month I get a Birchbox in the mail with fun deluxe samples of products (hair, makeup, nails, perfume, skincare...). It is like Christmas every month when I get the box (thanks Shannon for the great recommendation!) all for $10 per month. It actually saves me money because I don't wander through Sephora and end up spending way too much money.
This month's box included a nail polish from Zoya that is phenomenal. It is the first nailpolish I've had that doesn't get rubbed off by my rock climbing shoes or really anything else. There's no chipping or anything. They have eliminated all sorts of chemicals that people are allergic to which is also a bonus. I was just on their website to consider ordering a few other colors since I haven't had new nailpolish in years when I found this deal for Earth Day. Basically for $4 per bottle you can have all the nailpolish you want and then you can send them your old nasty crusty ones and have them safely dispose of them.
So if you're needing some new nail polish I've gotta recommend this stuff. That's it. I'm done being girly. I'm going to go amputate a leg or something to balance out my hormones now.

1 comment:

hjwillman said...

Haha I feel much better about you after that last sentence. : )