Saturday, August 23, 2008


Recently I heard someone ask, "Who are you going to allow to speak into your life?". It's a privilege to have a voice of influence in someone's life and I am learning to carefully screen those who are speaking into my life. Working with surgeons who are brash and quick to put others down I am quickly working on filtering out a lot of negativity. It's not that I am doing a horrible job or that the negativity is always directed at me, but it influences me if I allow it. So here are a few of the voices I am choosing to listen to:
  • My parents- they love me, they love Jesus and they want what is best for me.
  • My inner circles of friends- they know me as well as anyone and their words are like a breath of fresh air.
  • My mentors- they are an unbelievable blessing and I'll have much more to say on them later
  • My house church- this is a group of men and women I am privileged to share life with whom I respect deeply and treasure more and more.
  • A myriad of other friends and relatives that I share a unique connection with
So who is speaking into your life? Do they deserve the privilege? Whose life are you speaking into? Are you honoring that privilege?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great questions!