Sunday, August 3, 2008

Highlights of being a surgeon for a month

  • Listening to "Viva La Vida" while operating for the first time and then singing it to my team for the rest of the day. They really appreciated it.
  • Having my attending tell me that the skin graft I did was the best he had seen in years
  • Working with a fellow who has made it clear that she wants to mentor me long term. She has been an incredible blessing as she has taught me a ton in an environment that is safe and edifying.
  • Saving a life. Yeah there's nothing like it and I feel comfortable saying that I've done this several times. Sure someone else would have done it had they been there, but I was and it was incredible.
  • Seeing the parents of a young girl who I resuscitated afterwards and seeing their gratitude. It was pretty incredible to walk with them through what were the scariest hours of their lives. They threw the "f bomb" at me in the heat of the moment but redeemed themselves afterwards. I can't blame them. It was a really bad situation, but she is 100% better now.
  • Having a nurse approach me to tell me that all of the nurses have really good things to say about me. It is really important to me to get along well with other hospital staff and sometimes as a female physician it is a little more challenging. So far so good I guess.
  • Working with colleagues that already are or are becoming my friends

1 comment:

amberWIRE said...

Angie! You are so awesome! I am so proud of you!