Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Target practice

I'm loving my thoracic surgery rotation. I'm not sure if it is simply that I enjoy big surgeries or what but I know I am an adrenaline junkie in the OR. Here is my sketch of the area I was sewing in the other day (forgive the rudimentary sketch- it's hard to translate 3D to microsoft paintbrush).

It is so fun to not be the intern anymore. I actually get to operate a lot and am quickly improving my ability to sew in holes with important structures all around me.

As I was sewing a bronchus shut in the OR I chuckled to myself realizing these 3 structures were all within a centimeter or two from my needle and scalpel. I LOVED IT! Oh... and the patient is doing well.

1 comment:

Brad King said...

Which is why we never want to hear our surgeon say "oops - my bad!"