Thursday, October 1, 2009

The value of flu shots

Last week I received what I intend to be my last flu shot. Everytime I have received one I get sick afterwards and this is no exception. It has been the gift that keeps on giving for the past week. I know it may help prevent me from transmitting it to patients but what about the illness I have had for the past week that I've been walking around the ICU with? Sure I could stay home in theory but that isn't how a surgical residency works. The thought that maybe I have swine flu has certainly occured to me. And that brings me to my next topic.

Seriously I think someone is going to have to put me in 4 point restraints if they want to vaccinate me from the swine flu. Swine flu isn't a joke, but neither is getting injected with random stuff that's never been tested on people. I need to do more research to give a truly educated opinion but from what I have read I'm not going to be fighting people to get to the front of the line for this one. As it gets closer to the release I'll keep you posted once I've done some further reading.


Shannon said...

I'm very interested in your thoughts on this...

Mandy Mitchell said...

Okay so you just reassured my instincts. Seeing as that I'm almost 33 weeks pregnant, I had no desire to get the swine flu vaccine for the same reasons you stated. It hasn't been tested on a mass quantity of people and those things usually make ya sick anyway. I got the regular flu shot, but haven't felt too hot this past week either. My Dr. suggested I get it, but I'm the one carrying this baby and I'll make the final decision. Good to hear an honest opinion from a Dr. Thanks for posting this!

Jenny Johnson said...

I am glad that I am not the only one who has mixed feelings about getting the H1N1 shot. You are so right on the nose about there not being enough info and tried and tested info on it. It is a bit scary. Keep us updated. Blessgings, Jenny