Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Ex

It was so fun (even though the Colts lost) to spend a few days with Heather, my old roomie. We don't see each other often, but when we do it's always a good time. We were roommates our last 3 years of college and built a ridiculous number of memories together. Here are some of my top memories with Heather:

10. Time with the Stauffers - a family who lived in Upland that we got to hang out with every week, eat amazing food that Jenny cooked, and interact with their 6 children (this family is seriously the reason that I now want children). They live in South Carolina currently where we've been able to visit them a couple of times.

9. Intramurals- We truly rocked out the intramural football scene. We converted flag football to tackle and as a result got banged up quite a bit. It was a blast! My least favorite part of every game was when we prayed with the other team afterwards (all of us holding hands around the field). I know, it should have been a beautiful time of fellowship, but our football was really intense and it seemed insincere at times .

8. Getting lost in Washington D.C.- so I am more laid back than Heather and when we got stuck on the HOV headed into the heart of DC late at night I couldn't stop laughing while Heather was furious that I couldn't find a way on the map to get us out of a bad situation. The only warning we remembered from our parents was to stay out of DC at night. It was neat to see the monuments all lit up!

7. Physics class- We both hated physics and since we were in it together for a semester we tended to sit in the back and occasionally distract each other. It's a good thing for Frankie, our tutor, who saved the day big time in this troubling subject.

6. Pictures in the snow (2000)- we went out at night and took all sorts of fun pictures around the lifesize (tacky) nativity scene on campus. It was a blast and the pictures are great. If only they were digital...

5. Awkward moment at the chocolate buffet- we went on a Caribbean cruise during our senior year and I of course had a "foot in mouth" moment. There was a lady at the table that I still believe was with several children and so when she came to our table with mounds of chocolate I said, "wow, you made out like a bandit" which was funny in my head since I thought she had pillaged for food for the whole family, but awkward when it was obviously all for her. If only everyone could see the look Heather gave me !

4. Valentine’s Day double date junior year- this date was great, partially because we were both so excited about our dates and our professor begged us not to go because of the weather. We had a blast!

3. Spring break in Europe- we visited Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic and had some interesting experiences. We saw "The Magic Flute" opera in Prague which was beautiful despite the fact that I had no idea what was going on. The hands-down highlight of this trip was when these two teenage boys came up to me and grabbed my chest. It was so random and inappropriate that all we could do was laugh.

2. Walking to Ivanhoes or Handy Andy- yes Upland is an exciting place! We made countless evening trips to just talk and get breadsticks or icecream. I miss those places!

1. Mud wrestling- early in our freshman year it was storming one evening and we didn't have anything else to do so we thought we would get to know each other by wrestling in the mud. It was amazing and solidified our blossoming friendship.

Our friends painted the famous bridge for us right before graduation and again when we came to visit a year later. It was so great and meant the world that they took the time and risk to hang upside down and leave us a message.
Here's to many more fun times to come!

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