Monday, November 19, 2007

Ode to Interviews

I am done with interviews until after Thanksgiving and I couldn't be happier, well maybe if it was free that would be nice. I've received many questions about the interview process so here's the scoop that I've picked up on:

Most general surgery programs where I have interviewed receive 500+ applications interview 50-75 for 3-9 positions. Nothing like good odds (and there are specialties much more competitive than this). The worst odds numerically where I have interviewed so far received over 500 applications and then conducts 50 interviews for 3 positions. Hence the need for at least 12 interviews- or at least that is what most people say.

During a typical interview day I listen to a fascinating presentation on the program, tour the facilities, sometimes round on patients, and then have interviews with 4-8 faculty members. Today in an interview I played poker with the chairman and when he lost I got to ask him a question and vice versa. At least he mixed it up. Some interviewers are intense and ask difficult scientific or ethical questions, some ask inappropriate questions, and apparently some make you tie knots behind your back while you speak ( I have yet to experience this). One place where I am interviewing basically throws applicants into an OR for the day to be hammered with questions while we're scrubbed in. I hope the surgery is short.

I have been fairly successful with my goal to try and have some fun in every city. These pictures are from some of those breaks from interviewing. I fed stingrays, enjoyed an small amusement park, hiked/climbed boulders, watched the Colts lose to the Patriots with Heather, and have done tons of exploring.

Still to come: Boston, Disney World, Grand Canyon, Seattle, Charleston, Minnesota and much more! Horray for frequent flyer miles.

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