Friday, February 1, 2008


Dr. Bob gave a great message last night on the importance of taking a Sabbath. This is a subject I am quite energetic about. Early on in college I began practicing this discipline and have never turned back. I don't understand how or why people brag about how busy they are. That's not healthy and it takes a twisted mindset to take pride in that.

It is truly amazing the way taking a day off reorders priorities. As important as my studying has been (and trust me I've done tons of that) I have grown in lots of other areas. Friendships, opportunities for service, exercise, and devotions have all benefited from the Sabbath. I have no regrets about the way I used my time.

The best part is that as we honor God with our priorities and time He gets us right where He wants us to be. I truly believe my six days of work were more efficient and effective because my mind was fresher and better rested. My grades and board scores have placed me in just the right position to be competitive for residencies that are the best fit for me. I wouldn't be happy at The Johns Hopkins or other such programs (or the programs on the other side of the spectrum) and am glad I didn't spend any more time studying worthless minutiae to be competitive there. I am going to end up at at an incredible program, just a humane one. I plan to never have an instrument thrown at me and to stay under the 80 hours/week rule, which isn't the case at some "upper tier" programs.

God knew what He was doing when He commanded us to rest- to step back from work and use our time for other purposes. God is good and faithful. It is amazing what happens when we take Him at His Word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love what Dr. Bob said and what you said. Thanks for a refreshing perspective!!!