Thursday, February 14, 2008

Texas Fiesta

I had such a fun week in Texas. I spent most of the first two days with Rigel. We visited Moody Gardens where I saw my first real life sloth. It was so cool!

He took me on this unbelievably fun fishing trip to Sabine Lake by the Gulf of Mexico for some salt water fishing. Our captain was Randy- a crazy man. I would highly recommend him as long as you are ok with being called "baby"and "honey". He yelled at me quite a bit early on for my poor form with casting, but luckily for me that is how I learn best. I did improve and eventually was able to cast almost as far as the boys. The day was AMAZING.

I spent the next couple of days with Heather, my college roommate ( I think her ridiculous sunglasses really brought out a new side of her in this picture). We took a trip to San Antonio and stayed at a nice hotel by the riverwalk. We ate lots of good food (including an overpriced snickers apple), walked a ton, and talked forever. It was wonderful. I wish I could see her more often.

Then I spent a few days with my Aunt Julie and my Grandparents. It was great to see all of them and help them some. I love their shitszu and have a hankering for a puppy now. Unfortuately I'm sure I would get reported for neglect as I have no time to take care of an animal.

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