Monday, April 28, 2008

My Favorite Possession

I know life isn't about stuff, but sometimes a certain item allows one to enjoy life at a different level. For me that item is my road bike. It is beautiful and exhilarating to ride (and extra rewarding since I bought it with money I earned from working in the ER this year). When I am on my bike nothing else matters. I don't even mind wearing spandex in public- something inconceivable 2 years ago.

Saturday I went for a ride through some of the trails in Indy. For 90 minutes I rode through the IU medical center campus, along the White River, through the IMA (Indianapolis Museum of Art), the Lily Gardens (in the pictures), through Broad Ripple, and then I finished it off with some all-out sprints back to downtown on the Monon trail.

I am so thankful that I have found an activity that allows me to get great exercise outdoors. I covered some serious ground while enjoying phenomenal views that prior to Saturday I didn't know existed in Indy.

I can't wait to go back to the Lily Gardens (yes it is named after Eli Lilly the large pharmaceutical company based in Indy). So if you've ever taken Prozac or Humulin insulin you've helped fund this beautiful garden in Indianapolis. You should come and check it out!


Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful pictures! Did you take them or get them off of the internet? WOW, and you went passed to IMA. I am so impressed!

Stacy said...

Love your blog and reading your thoughts. I meant to e-mail you and tell you I am sorry about the loss of your grandma. It is so hard to lose grandmas - they are special people!

Also, congrats on the new home (almost). What fun that you will soon be a home owner!