I'm not even a democrat, but I try and stay open-minded. I want to hear what everyone has to say and then vote accordingly. I can't say that I've ever been a fan of the Clinton family, but they are making their presence known in Indy right now. Today I attended the rally Hillary was holding a block from my apartment. It was so fun! I love the secret service and the press and all of the energy.
I was pretty much right in front of Hillary just a few rows back and dressed in scrubs since I had come from a long overnight shift in the hospital. I don't think I helped generate the energy she would have liked from someone obviously in medicine as she discussed all of her proposed healthcare reform.
I must say I was impressed with her intellect, public speaking ability (especially without a prompter for an hour-long speech), and her wealth of experience in politics. If I felt that she could accomplish even half of the lofty things she spoke about I would give her my vote. She was very specific in what she wants to do and I appreciate that.
I got to shake her hand afterwards which was fun, although not nearly as cool as when I shook George W. Bush's hand a couple of years ago.
Tomorrow Chelsea Clinton is speaking at the medical school on healthcare reform which should be interesting. I'm sure I'll stop by for a little bit of it.
The Clinton's have already visited Indiana over 50 times and that number is growing rapidly.
The best part of the whole experience was while waiting to get through the secret service they had us fill out information cards with contact info as our "tickets". I didn't fill in the blank saying I would vote for Hillary so I knew they would call me. I figured my parents, being about as anti-Clinton as anyone, would really like a phone call from a fanatical supporter, so I gave them my parents number. They already received a call tonight. I wish I could have heard that interaction. The only person more opposed to the Clinton's was my Grandma who actually had a book titled, "The case against Hillary Clinton". I love my Grandma!
I'm excited to meet Barack Obama sometime in the next couple of weeks and really hear him speak. Hillary is hoping to have a debate in Indiana and I will do everything I can to get a ticket to that.
What a privilege to live in a country where every voice counts!
Angie! Great story! I can just picture you standing there 2 rows back in your scrubs. haha!
You are hilarious for giving them your parents number.
Miss you! Glad you're doing well!
Hilary's people called and are looking for you! They didn't get much traction when they called here. Thanks for giving them our number :(
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