Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reflections on Oprah

I just finished watching Oprah and am just amazed at the ways God works. The whole show was about the tragic accident involving 9 Taylor students and staff nearly two years ago. I have followed the story of the mistaken identities and the healing of the student body at Taylor. I'll never forget the night of the accident when I received (and didn't answer) several back-to-back phone calls from friends at Taylor and finally answered one of them knowing something must have happened. I can also remember right where I was when I heard the news from my dad that the bodies had been mistaken.

I was moved to tears while watching the show today as I saw the grace of the Van Ryn family as they spoke of the gut-wrenching pain they have endured. It is obvious that God is living and active in their lives to allow them to not simply face the Ceraks, but to share their lives (and the Cerak's joy) with them.

I love the way God redeems horrible situations and allows Christ-followers to share the reason for the hope they have on worldwide platforms.

I'll be at Taylor on April 26th (the 2 year anniversary) for the dedication of the memorial chapel in their honor.

If anyone wants to join me, Taylathon (a barbaric bike race) will also be taking place. I am also excited to enjoy a grasshopper shake from Ivanhoes, which I haven't had in over 2 years.

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