Monday, March 31, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I just talked with a current Taylor student and found out about the release of the story of Whitney Cerak and Laura Van Ryn. It is the story of the two girls whose bodies were mistaken after the horrible accident that killed several other Taylor students and one staff member.

It is the #3 book being sold on right now. There are 141 requests for it at the Indianapolis library. I can't wait to read about their experiences and reflections on all that has happened since that tragic accident on April 26, 2006. I knew Betsy Smith, one of the other students who was killed in the accident. I will never forget the night of the accident and the months afterwards as more of the story unfolded. What an incredible testimony to be able to open up your hearts and lives and share with the world how you saw God in the midst of unspeakable tragedy.

1 comment:

~Sherry said...

I too can't wait to read this book!
I have been following this story and just heard there was a book coming out. We should talk after we both read it.