Monday, March 31, 2008

The Examined Life

During the month of April I have decided to do some self-analysis of my life.
  • I am going to spend a week analyzing the food I consume compared with my caloric expenditure via (a phenomenal and free website). I'm not trying to lose serious weight, but I want to see how I can eat a more balanced diet.
  • For one week I will analyze how I spend my time. I will keep a close record of how much time I spend on the internet, studying, exercising... to see how I can waste less time and create blocks of time doing things that are truly refreshing and meaningful to me.
  • I will keep a closer record of how I am spending my money. I am in the process of creating a budget and want to see more accurately where my money is going.
I'm pretty excited to take a microscope to my life. As Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Our bodies, time and money are too important to be squandering.

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