Thursday, October 18, 2007

Quote of the Week

So most close friends of mine know that I love quotes. I have tons stored on my computer, posted all over, made into artwork (by my wonderful friend Tara who is a fantastic artist- she also does the coffee shop board at GCC), etc .... So periodically I will indulge myself and post some quotes of great significance to me. Here goes...

"We must know God before we can love Him. To know God, we must often think of Him. And when we come to love Him, we will think of Him often, for our heart will be with our treasure." -Brother Lawrence

This quote is from Brother Lawrence's book, The Practice of the Presence of God, which revolutionized my thinking on how we are to go about our daily lives. As Rob Bell said the term "spiritual-life" would have been a foreign concept to the people in the times of the Bible. There were no divisions in life and there aren't meant to be any. As I began to think of creative ways to cue my mind to thoughts of God throughout the day, I was amazed at the difference it made in my attitude and perspective on life. I still have lots of room to grow, but I am more convinced that this is how life is to be lived.

If you haven't read this book I would encourage you to. It's a fairly quick read and definitely worth the time!

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